Toxicology of Chemical Weapons
PHA 6534 Toxicology of Chemical Weapons


This is a 3-credit course.


This 3-credit course is structured to comprehensively provide the student with the fundamental toxicologically relevant concepts of weapons that can be used to create mass casualties. These weapons are often called weapons of mass destruction, a term that is closely related to but not synonymous with mass-casualty weapons (a technically more appropriate term). This course will focus on chemical agents and toxins as the toxicologically relevant mass-casualty weapons. Each of the eight modules in the course will consist of specific objectives, one or more illustrative cases, a list of the primary references that the student will be expected to acquaint himself or herself with, a brief introduction, a section of teaching material and study tips, and assignments designed to stimulate critical thinking.


Please review our recommended course order.


Module Topic
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Chem I: Inhaled Toxicants with Local Effects on the Respiratory Tract
Module 3 Chem II: Blood Agents
Module 4 Chem III: Vesicants
Module 5 Chem IV: Anticholinesterases
Module 6 Chem V: Incapacitating Agents I: Anticholinergic Agents
Module 7 Chem VI: Anticholinergic Agents II: Riot-control Agents and Opioids
Module 8 Toxins

Required Materials:

No Textbooks are required for this class.

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