The Toxicology of Licit and Illicit Drugs of Abuse
PHA 6537 The Toxicology of Licit and Illicit Drugs of Abuse

Affordable UF Badge Summer 2024

This course has earned the Affordable UF badge by selecting required materials that cost less than $20 per credit hour.


This is a 3-credit course.


A wide range of drugs are frequently encountered in the ED and in everyday practice settings. Among them are a majority of cases of substance use disorders that involve both licit and illicit drugs.

Recognizing the symptoms of toxidromes early, providing adequate intervention and treatment to the patient, and ensuring the safety of those delivering care are critical components of this course. Following a brief recap of the basics of medical toxicology and toxidromes, the course will focus on the different classes of drugs, their commonly encountered abuse, treatment approaches, and legal components such as drug testing.


Please review our recommended course order.


Module Topic
Module 1 Principles of Toxicology for Medical Professionals
Module 2 CNS Depressants, Opiates and Opioids
Module 3 CNS Depressants, Licit and Illicit Abuse of Opioids
Module 4 CNS Depressants, Benzodiazepines
Module 5 Hallucinogens, Cathinones
Module 6 Hallucinogens, Natural & synthetic Cannabinoids
Module 7 Hallucinogens, MDMA
Module 8 Hallucinogens, Miscellaneous Hallucinogens
Module 9 CNS Stimulants, Cocaine
Module 10 CNS Stimulants, Methamphetamine
Module 11 CNS Stimulants, Miscellaneous Stimulants
Module 12 Specialized Drugs of Abuse, Drugs of Facilitated Sexual Assault
Module 13 Specialized Drugs of Abuse, Performance Enhancing Drugs

Required Materials

Karch’s Pathology of Drug Abuse
Authors: Steven B. Karch, Olaf Drummer
Publisher: CRC Press; 5th edition (11/11/2015)
ISBN-10: 1439861463
ISBN-13: 978-1439861462

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